Creating Remarkable Places

Guided by full circle thinking®
Our Brand

Full Circle Thinking®

Shaping the way we deliver our engineering and specialty solutions

Our brand is our customers’ experience of our business. It’s how they feel about us. It clarifies who we are and why we do what we do. It’s anchored by “Our Story”, making it authentic and genuine. It strengthens why our work matters. Full circle thinking® means creating and forging unusual but effective solutions for project challenges. It also means collaborating with every discipline or team member to ensure the best results from the body of work we do together.

It’s authentic and real because everybody at our company not only understands it, but they believe in it and it shapes the way we deliver our engineering solutions to you.

Our Core Services

Providing a full spectrum of civil engineering services

Featured Project

Park on First

Park on First is a 6.4-acre mixed-use development designed by TCA Architects, featuring 601 upscale apartments, retail space and a central courtyard near the Santa Ana Zoo.

Featured Project

VEA Newport Beach

Formerly the Newport Beach Marriott Resort and Spa, underwent an exquisite reimagination inside and out, including a “porte cochere” architectural inspired element.

Geospatial Technology Services

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Bob Chase & Eric Armstrong Retire

Remarkable Affordable Housing

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